About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Jumaat yang berharga

Salam penatap setia blog,

Hari ini sempat berdiskusi dengan doktor perubatan Allopathy, about the greatest and amazing power of love that Allah has spread to us.

Selepas visit patient mustakim (kidney disease patient - CKD) at my ward to discuss about his condition. I went to counter for asking dr. about his condition.

Creatanine reading - 800 ++ wah..ini memang confirm kene dialisis. tak boleh tidak2 (itu kata doktor perubatan Allopathy) .

lain pula ceritanya in my ward, we treat people accroding sunnatullah. end result is we follow Sunnatullah. Tak memandai - mandai kata perlu dialisis sedangkan cara dan jalan atau prosedur lebih baik boleh di ambil selain dialisis. - Hemodialysis . That's it is Homeopathy treatment. 

Alhamdulillah, my kidney patient yang warded di Homeopathic Specialist Centre so far, with Allah permission, they are still continuing life without having dialysis. Creatanine reading above 800 ++. 

I pray to Allah that the patients are blessed with patient, confidence, and istiqamah to Him. Stay healthy till they recover completely. Allahuakbar.

Doktor perubatan Allopathy ni, open minded,,even we have discussion on how the treatment process is - We stimulate the body immunity system, the strong immunity system fight for repair the malfunction system. That's is sunatullah. Can Allopathy world to that..??? Amazing. Nobody can ever dare to present the answer for the stable kidney disease patient whom having creatanine reading 800 ++. SubhanAllah. We look further on this issue. InsyaAllah

Thanks doctor, we share about the medical knowledge this afternoon.

Alhamdulillah. LOL

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Miracle do happens

Alhamdulillah terbuka juga hati untuk mengupdate kan blog ..i dont know why i havent done my blogging for so many days...apa tah lagi facebook.

Actually i want to share that miracle is happen. It just that need your effort & doa.

Now i learnt that, your dream your wishes is real if your depency to Allah is undivided and helpless. Forget about word from people that u might heard (from deep in their heart, from the complicated mind or whatever) is just nonsense.

How can doa give you a powerful strength to go on life, to believe in hope? Try it and u feel the miracle.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Intensive Course - Integrated Medicine Series 1 Discussion 1 - 17.4.2011

Today, we officially form a consultant committe for my company operation for Integrated Medicine. Lecturers came for support at Klinikal Perunding (Hom) Sungai Rengit Sdn Bhd, Sungai Rengit.
Thanks to :

1) Prof. Dr . Hj. Ali Bin Talib, MD (H), BHMS, FRSH, PhD (London) - Integrated Medicine Of Homeopathy Specialist
2) Hj. Zainal Bin Abd Majid, Bsc. Pharmacy, USM, Pharmacist
3) Hj. Shuhaimi Bin Hashim, Dip. Medical Asst., Senior MA
4) En. Shahar Bin Jamjam, Lab Technologist

eventhough, some of the medical doctors, nurses and Homeopathy doctors not coming we'll ok .it just i need to find them, InsyaAllah..

My hubby is the greatest support. I love him
My mother is the best cook ever after..Hana Catering - nice meal. Thank you
Everything goes well. Alhamdulillah.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rahmat Ilahi

Alhamdulillah, Happy hari ni..my hubby bawa lunch kat Rahmat, Kg pasir putih...yg best x yah masak..besssssssst sangat ...coz memasak is not my passion..but my patient..hahhaha...
Pray to Allah that i can make him feel happy..

Esok ada visitor dari KL MPHM nak visit my clinic..eh my father's clinic...hope everything goes well..esok ngan hubby nak pergi kol 5:30 pagi...hehhehe biar benar...cam x caya je..

Hari ni dapat wat exercise tepat kol 8 to 8:20pm...dah mentioned kat hubby that i must exercise..so jangan kacau ye....ekekkek..."i love u" ni ketawakan je..dia kata dah berbelas kali cakap kat dia...tu belom masuk nak kata g gym wat aerobik..dia senyum je...mesti dia gelakkan i dalam hati sebab berangan x sudah nak exercise...today..i made it..yeaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa..!!!


Monday, April 4, 2011

PC Fair 2011

Last friday, i went to pc fair looking for suitable ala - ala ipad..ipad mahal..jumpa goozie, MazQ la average harga rm899.00 ++ free gift. semua pakai Android - light untuk touch screen function. jumpa toshiba - rm 1149.00 sebijik masa gi tengok kat danga city mall tapi masa tu x offer la price rm1300.00.

Tapi x beli coz...my boss yg nak beli i just survey for him, :). What i bought is this - calculator sahaja - purple color. Oklah tu dari tak beli apa2. Orang lain beli printer, external hardisk, etc, quite cheap juga masa tu sebab offer dia org nak lakukan stok masa open promotion ni.
I nak beli external hard disk la tapi tak kesampaian. Nanti beli ye next time!

Calculator ni sangat berguna tao, handy dan boleh selit-selit, i did buy last time, lesap entah ke mana ni dah siap tulis nama, lepas ni jangan ada yang berani padam nama dan claim dia punya pulak.

Pencinta Alam dan Manusia - Go green!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Morning smile

Life full of unpredictable things and suprises. Allah is The Greatest. Cuma yang perlu di lakukan adalah kejujuran dan keihklasan dan jangan emo ..Loss of temper kalau nak moving forward. - kata Dato Jimmy Choo masa tu di wawancara HMI last week.

Lagi satu terbaca di magazine Solusi..tak guna cerdik tanpa kejujuran..betol2..sokong. I hope i am having a very clear mind set dan kejujuran..dan berfikir rasional..cuma satu je i can't tolerate if people had badly hurt me badly..susah nak jadi hipokrit..buat2 suka atau buat2 macam x de masalah..i thought i was like that..tapi x boleh..i really can;t hide kalau i dont like certain people x tahu..either i silent completely in front of her atau i memang pendiam ekekkekek..

What ever. yang penting buat keje dengan jujur, ikhlas dan beat the deadline bukan meet the dateline k..sebab bila beat..u have to beat hardly sebelum meet the deadline..ada faham...

Now, di sungai rengit at my nice company ..working..nak kejar gaji target rm 15,000 ni Amin

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Im Lost

Sometime we feel that nothing and empty in our life due to incident that repeteadly happened. I really hate people who are "x sedar diri" but at the same time, i feel kesian upon them..Sometime rasa macam nak bertindak ego pada seseorang yang x sedar diri but i look back..Who am I to be ego with anybody because Im nobody too.

Bila fikir tentang ketidaksuakaan pada seseorang, apakah balasan Allah pada diri tatkala diri sendiri nanti di benci orang..selalu berfikir..apa kene mengena dia dengan kehidupan aku..tapi ..dunia ni macam roda, now my time , i am at the top..but what if i'll be in the bottom..tak masak nak menjawab??!$@$#@$$#

Selalu inginkan kebahagian..tetapi sometime ada org seperti tidak mengerti bagaimana untuk mewujudkan kebahagiaan..ketenangan ..kesenangan...

Now, yang penting..buat apa yang kita suka dan masih di dalam batas yang logik dan bukan perkara maksiat.

X boleh tahan tengok org pemalas..lagi org yg x buat apa2..naik semak mata..kalau boleh tebas dengan parang nak tebas dan libas..kasi rata...hehehee..semoga dia tidak lagi berada di depan mataku.

Monday, March 21, 2011


New motto...

Friends out there, pray for my success in my life.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cerita Cina Channel 8- Singapore

Hari ni tengok cerita cina channel 8 ..tv singapore...a Tale of 2 cities ...entahlah dari zaman sekolah- sekolah dulu (10 tahun yang lepas) memang suka banget ..suka giler tengok cerita channel 8 ..cerita cina...tahu tak dari dulu sampai umor dah menjangkau umur ibu bapa muda moden ni...(30 ++ ) masih sama waktu siarannya...
dan lagi satu tak tahu lah dalam diri ni suka giler nak cakap mandarin...tapi x pandai. hampir 10 tahun tengok citer cina ni...pastu bila kerja di Rank Alpha stop sekejap sebab asyik turun naik KL - outstation...jarang tengok tv...

tapi yang penting motif utama tengok citer cina ni nak pandai cakap cina and English..kenapa??? sebab ada subtitle English...sambil menyelam minum air ...
suka ... suka... suka... tengok citer cina...mungkin suka cara kerja keras cina kot...sebab sy tidak suka tengok orang pemalas..confirm...mata rasa macam semak tengok orang mengulor dan malas..hehhehe..

adakah saya seorang yang malas..no no no..

" Ya Allah, ya tuhanku, jauhkan ku dari memiliki sifat  malas. Amin"

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I havent feel much more secure and safe if not because of my hubby. Eventhough he is quit fussy but today i learn a lot. In handling with quality. I knew that he was engineer before.. fussy engineer though!!!. But he is successfull in embracing knowledges in factory maintenance for engineering. Is that got to do with handling business.??
In some way it is, but in some not. But today eventually i would like to share that running a business is about quality. You must always put a special concern in maintaining quality and don't feel afraid to voice it out when it is not meet your target or satisfaction.
Don;t make people bully you.That is my husband taught me today. I may not like what he's mumbling about..non stop but he is very strict and reasonable person. I love it. He is my supporter. Another thing, to do business you must have someone that love you and support you. Thus you can ride your car safely and feel supportive, indeed.
Cia yo!!! Raihana..You must not let someone bully you and dont compromise on quality.

Alhamdulillah. My love, husband indeed my very amazing supporter.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Have u ever heard Homeopathy? I think some of u pernah dengar perkataan ini. Ia adalah sebuah sistem perubatan yang sangat "miracle". Kenapa miracle? kerana ia sebuah sistem yang dapat memberikan keputusan kesihatan yang menyembuhkan kepada pesakit.

Sistem perubatan ini apabila dikolaborasikan dengan kaedah perubatan secara integrasi atau "Integrated Medicine" ia sebuah pencapaian yang menakjubkan dalam penyembuhan penyakit. BUKAN meredakan sebagaimana segelintir sistem perubatan yang ada. SubhanaAllah. Ini semua ilmu Allah yang dipinjamkan kepada manusia..

Kenapa hari ni serius ye...because i want to share something beneficial to all of you. InsyaAllah.

As Homeopathy Doctor, I am really concern about my patient healthiness. I want them to be happy and healthy. This make me fill and content to see their smile faces. Really.

Nanti sy cerita lebih lagi pasal Homeopathy ni ye..quite interesting and kalau ada peluang boleh kita share knowledges and solutions. Yang penting boleh blog dengan our Homeopathy Specialist, Prof. Dr. Ali Bin Talib. InsyaAllah.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Long sunday

Hari ini, i spent my day with hubby..Alhamdulillah. I felt content dan bersyukur kerana memiliki dia sebagai insan yang sentiasa menyokong i bila di dalam kesusahan, kemarahan, kesedihan dan gembira.

My father,abah juga insan yang paling disayangi kerana kasih dan sayangnya seorang ayah kepada anaknya tidak berbelah bagi..Once upon a time dia pernah pesan..Untuk menilai orang itu, lihatlah di mana org itu di mana berada ketika di dalam saat paling susah. Adakah orang itu membantu tika masa kritikal. I understood that.
     "Bismillah, Ya Allah, tuhanku Yang Maha Esa, Allahummasollialasaidina Muhamaad wa ali
      Muhammad, Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kesihatan yang baik dan berpanjangan untuk kedua ibu dan bapaku
      untuk kehidupannya pada bila-bila masa. Anugerahkan mereka kehidupan yang bahagia, tenang dan
      selamat dunia akhirat.Amin"

Hari ni Ahad cuaca bagus.Sebenarnya hari2 cuaca bagus. Semua indah, kejadian Allah tiada yang perlu di rungutkan kerana such a perfect creation from Allah. Hujan ke, mendung ke, panas ke, ribut taufan ke semua ada hikmahnya.

Alamak esok macam mana? Something to be happened? Berserah pada Nya.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fenin 1267673292@@$##@@24225

Alhamdullilah ..tiba clinic awal..i can see my staff,,,what is she doing in the begining of day..Hari2 dok mention hygiene ..sendiri punya staff x practise nak hygiene

Bab wat akaun..pening la pulak ni..mana yg tak tally ni..?? @$#$#!&^&!&! 1+ 3.00 -4%+1,200.00 hehhehe pernah nengok kira2 ni..

Ya Allah, aku tidak mahu ingin kekurangan di dalam pengiraan nilai wang ini..Amin - Secret apa yg kurang??

ok lah see ya..Hari yang penuh dengan nombor!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

salam perkenalan

Hi, saya raihana. dah agak lama juga tak menulis blog ni kerana dulu punya blog lebih kepada kejiwaan..ni target nak ringkas saja..mengenai kehidupan yang serba simple yet penuh ujian dan cabaran...

sy ni keje biasa-biasa saja tapi cita - cita tinggi ehhehe macam motivator kata - To be star u must have a dream. Same goes here.. i have my dreams and wishes...let's pray our dream comes to true..InsyaAllah.

My target nak update blog ni selalu ..hahahah nk dream dapat ramai follower..I follow (walaupun x minat sangat dengar radio genre Melayu..kengkadang tersasul tekan radio ke channel yang tu)

I prefer listening to Gold 90 fm..entah tak tahu kenapa but the most important is i want to hear something beneficial atau benda berfaedah for myself. Bukan hiburan semata2...Kalau bukak radio melayu --- hiburaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan memanjang..at least ceritalah pasal kesihatan ke...yang berguna untuk di share...

Setuju..? not really x apa..that is your choice.. (",) no worries.