About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Intensive Course - Integrated Medicine Series 1 Discussion 1 - 17.4.2011

Today, we officially form a consultant committe for my company operation for Integrated Medicine. Lecturers came for support at Klinikal Perunding (Hom) Sungai Rengit Sdn Bhd, Sungai Rengit.
Thanks to :

1) Prof. Dr . Hj. Ali Bin Talib, MD (H), BHMS, FRSH, PhD (London) - Integrated Medicine Of Homeopathy Specialist
2) Hj. Zainal Bin Abd Majid, Bsc. Pharmacy, USM, Pharmacist
3) Hj. Shuhaimi Bin Hashim, Dip. Medical Asst., Senior MA
4) En. Shahar Bin Jamjam, Lab Technologist

eventhough, some of the medical doctors, nurses and Homeopathy doctors not coming we'll ok .it just i need to find them, InsyaAllah..

My hubby is the greatest support. I love him
My mother is the best cook ever after..Hana Catering - nice meal. Thank you
Everything goes well. Alhamdulillah.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rahmat Ilahi

Alhamdulillah, Happy hari ni..my hubby bawa lunch kat Rahmat, Kg pasir putih...yg best x yah masak..besssssssst sangat ...coz memasak is not my passion..but my patient..hahhaha...
Pray to Allah that i can make him feel happy..

Esok ada visitor dari KL MPHM nak visit my clinic..eh my father's clinic...hope everything goes well..esok ngan hubby nak pergi kol 5:30 pagi...hehhehe biar benar...cam x caya je..

Hari ni dapat wat exercise tepat kol 8 to 8:20pm...dah mentioned kat hubby that i must exercise..so jangan kacau ye....ekekkek..."i love u" ni ketawakan je..dia kata dah berbelas kali cakap kat dia...tu belom masuk nak kata g gym wat aerobik..dia senyum je...mesti dia gelakkan i dalam hati sebab berangan x sudah nak exercise...today..i made it..yeaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa..!!!


Monday, April 4, 2011

PC Fair 2011

Last friday, i went to pc fair looking for suitable ala - ala ipad..ipad mahal..jumpa goozie, MazQ la average harga rm899.00 ++ free gift. semua pakai Android - light untuk touch screen function. jumpa toshiba - rm 1149.00 sebijik masa gi tengok kat danga city mall tapi masa tu x offer la price rm1300.00.

Tapi x beli coz...my boss yg nak beli i just survey for him, :). What i bought is this - calculator sahaja - purple color. Oklah tu dari tak beli apa2. Orang lain beli printer, external hardisk, etc, quite cheap juga masa tu sebab offer dia org nak lakukan stok masa open promotion ni.
I nak beli external hard disk la tapi tak kesampaian. Nanti beli ye next time!

Calculator ni sangat berguna tao, handy dan boleh selit-selit, i did buy last time, lesap entah ke mana ni dah siap tulis nama, lepas ni jangan ada yang berani padam nama dan claim dia punya pulak.

Pencinta Alam dan Manusia - Go green!!